Been thinking of feeding fish to Ash for quite awhile for their nutrients (eg. Omega 3, 6).
I wasn't too sure on how Ash would take to raw fish as he has been on kibbles for as long as I know (with the exception of the occasional eggs/hcf).
First I had the problem of choosing the 'correct' fish. I went to the nearest Cold Storage near bf's place when he was out. I intended to buy Sardines packed in water, but they are either packed in brine(which has oil in their ingredients list) or packed in spring water but costs about $15 for one small can.
As I walked around, I saw salmon, sutchi fillets, snapper fillets, cod fish.. etc.
Then I had the fear of buying something that might potentially kill him.
I went back home, googled, read forum topics, and I concluded that basically we can feed any type of fish.
The main reason why I want to feed raw fish is because Ash has skin sensitivity (which basically most dogs have due to the humidity in Singapore), and his vet sold me this Skin X Coat supplement which is firstly, expensive and secondly, if I can feed him natural food which provides these nutrients and more, why not?
So I tried feeding Ash raw Snapper fillets last Sunday. He took to it immediately! I cut it into slices and he just gobbled them up in less than a minute!
Apparently he likes raw fish fillets haha! No pics here as he's just too fast!
I don't know if the yoghurt that I put him on 2 days before actually helped, but no loose stools, and actually less stools!
Therefore we promoted him to whole fish. Bf drove us to this 24 hour supermarket to source for fish. I spotted Kuning fish, the one we always see in nasi lemak, or the universal name is 'Yellow-Stripe Scad".
I washed the fish, but with the innards intact, and Ash was standing right outside the kitchen looking very excited. He couldn't bite through the fish initially, maybe he has never tried raw fish before. Haha!
Be forewarned though, it definitely smells very very fishy (pun not intended), and don't look too closely if you know you'd get grossed out by the innards spilling out of your dog's mouth.