
Thursday, April 22, 2010

SAY NO to Puppy Mills.

It's not the first time I've heard of puppy mills. But I'm sure being human, when we're at the pet store, we would tell ourselves, " Cannot be la, cannot be from puppy mills one, they look so cute." But the truth is, how do you know?

An AKC cert doesn't prove anything. They will say, and it's true, that their puppies are AKC certified, he has papers. But the thing is, 'SO?' It doesn't mean anything! It doesn't guarantee that the puppy in your hands are not from puppy mills! It just mean that the suspected puppy mills paid AKC top dollars for that cert.

I get very agitated at ignorant people who insist on BUYING puppies after I explained to them about puppy mills and suggested that they adopt. And their reason is, " I want to watch the cute puppy grow up. "

 Think your puppy is cute? Did his/her mum look like this?

For people who are not sure about Puppy Mills, it's normally a huge warehouse where they 'produce' puppies like commercial products. The dogs are never socialised, no veterinarian care, limited space and food, and their sole purpose in life is to give birth to puppies. When it comes to the time where they can no longer do so, they will be killed, and who knows if it's even a humane method like animal euthanasia or ....

 They are never cared for, even if they are down with diseases.

Those people don't care about the diseases, as long as the bitch can still produce puppies for them to earn profits.

Puppies inherit much of their parent's genetic condition, health problems, temperament problems.
Lucky ones are in heaven at birth, some go shortly after, and the unlucky ones live with all the health problems for the rest of their lives. Some genetic problems can be solved with money and kind owners, some are fatal.

For more reading on Puppy Mills: (for suspected SG puppy mill thread)

Lastly, THE TRUTH:

People, please adopt. 

More often than not, you will be able to find the breed that you want up for rehoming in forums, shelters. I've seen breeds like huskies, golden retrievers, and german shepards frequently in the shelters. And even if they are not purebreeds, it's fine. I've seen many adorable and affectionate mongrels in shelters who are more than happy to share their life with you.

If you need more info just drop me a comment, I'm always willing to share what information I have.

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