
Saturday, March 27, 2010


Ash's enjoying his grooming session.
If you are wondering how much a husky sheds, that's about 30% of it.

The loose bunch of fur on the right was removed by the FURminator! :D


  1. Hi.. came across Ash's blog sometime ago through FP. Ash is so cute. Actually I miss his long fur, he looked so handsome in it. Just wondering why do you need to keep grooming his fur?

  2. Hi monika!

    Siberian Huskies are double coated so they have their soft undercoat which we have de-shed in the picture here ^. They blow their coat twice a year and grooming is mainly to remove their undercoat, and not cut/shave them at all.
    (I have learn from my past mistake :D )

    I'm still trying my best to see how I can improve his skin/coat condition through nutrition / supplements. :p

  3. Oh i c, hope then Ash can become more handsome... :D
